Do you feel money dependent in your daily life?
To become a millionaire you have to think like millionaire. These are 6 very easy and simple steps to start becoming rich!
1. Make goals
Goals are like GPS to the vehicles. They give you coordinates, directions, start and final point. Living without having any specific and desired goals is like driving car in the fog without steering wheel. The opposite, having clear and specific goals give you the whole picture of everything you do. You know where you are going and why you are going there. Having goals stimulate your positive and creative thinking. When you define a goal, you think what you want and how to get it. Most people think the opposite: “I can’t afford it” “I can’t pay for this” “I don’t have time” “I will fail with that if I don’t do….” etc. That’s exactly the opposite of how the rich and successful people do. This is why I recommend you to grab a piece of paper and write down 5 to 10 major goals. There is something very important to know when doing that. First, do it in a positive way: “I have XXX dollars in the bank” and not “I don’t have money problems”. Second, do it like you know that you will never fail. And remember – everything is possible, just think what you really want to achieve.
2. Make plan
Now when you have clear goals in the life you already know the coordinates which means you know where you are going, but still missing how to get there. This second step is about this. Look at your goals and write 3 specific actions you should do next to each goal. This technique is very well described by the great motivator Brian Tracy and makes a lot of sense. Desires, plans, theory is nothing without action. Action is what makes difference between the dream and the goal. So when you have the actions, prioritize which one should be done first, which second and so on. After doing this put an end date next to each action. I’ll make another post about making goals and plans in 6 steps. By now this is sufficient.
3. Pay to you first
This is very simple and very powerful action. I strongly recommend to open a bank account where each month you pay 10% of your monthly income. Most of the people who try to save money first pay all bills, food, restaurants, clothes etc and then if they have something left they put it in the bank. This is not working and I and you know this better then everybody. Here is something very interesting. In the future if you are promoted or somehow you have some additional income, get half of this additional money and add it to the amount you put in the account by this moment. Doing this will happen two things. First you will increase your monthly income with half of the money you was promoted. And second you will increase the cash flow to your bank account with the other half of the money. This is very powerful way to become a very rich person and I guarantee you success.
4. Add value
Have you ever think about what does mean to make business, or be an entrepreneur? I will tell you – this simply means to do things by adding value for a people that will need it. This value can be as simple as deliver something to somebody’s door or to do work for which you have studied several years in University. There are so many possibilities today to add value you just need to start looking and find them. This is why the only thing you should do is to start thinking for the things that you look and see every day in a maner of how and where you can make them better, faster, cheaper etc. I see working businesses for really simple things such as painting t-shirts, creating internet shops, delivery things to people that have no time at all. Even this article is adding some value to you…
5. Learn to sale
You must really start to learning how to sale. Selling abilities are essential for any business as the sales are the blood of any company. You should understand that selling is not a talent. It is something everybody can learn. Selling is more a psychology process then physical one. You can be good or not however you can always become a great selling person. Even the top salesman was some day in the past uncertain, quiet and inconvenience. Look at the sale process the same way as you start learn to ride a bicycle. This is pretty much the same process.
6. Buy assets
When I saw that the first time in one of the books of Robert Kiyosaki I realized that yes – it’s that simple. What makes the real deference between the middle or poor class and the rich people is that the first are working for money and then they are looking to buy a good car, great dress, big house, expensive accessories. Rich people first look at something that can make money for them (business, passive income, investment) and then looking for cars, dresses, watches etc. Remember, asset is something that will give you money when you use it (for example step 3 and 4 are assets). Start looking for assets from today and soon you will find yourself making more money than you can spend.
Try these 6 simple steps next 6 months and I guarantee that you will become more positive, great and successful person. And remember - to be rich is not to be a person with much money but this is more a mental state which soon or later will make the money falling to you.
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